Celebrating our 2nd year, Classic Bike Experience (CBE) was pleased to host the 7th Annual Burlington, VT regional Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) and we raised $6,144.24 for men’s health.

Since 2017, the Burlington area’s annual Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride has raised more than $33,000 to fund both local and global prostate cancer research and men’s mental health programs in conjunction with our official charity partner, Movember. We were delighted to bring the 2024 episode of this dapper motorcycling event to men and women interested in riding together for men’s health on May 19, 2024.

Our day started off at 10:30 AM with hot-off-the-grill egg sandwiches, coffee, and soft drinks at Classic Bike Experience, 104 Center Road in Essex Junction, VT. Then we had a bit of time time to just hang out. While milling about ogling bikes and duds, our designated photographer, Stephen Kastner from DesignWise Studios, took solo, portrait shots of each of our dapper riders with their machine to post online (see 2023 photos) after the event.
At noon, our judges selected the “Most Dapper” rider and then we began our 25-mile ride through the Vermont countryside at an easy pace on scenic back roads. We had a ride leader, embedded riders to help out as needed, plus an emergency pick up vehicle trailing just in case.
Upon arrival at Arrowhead Lodge in Milton, our hosts provided a complementary array of finger-food with vegie options. A selection of savory beer and wine varieties, plus non-alcoholic beverages were available at the bar, along with anything from the pub’s menu. And, of course, we gently reminded everyone to drink responsibly, especially if on two wheels.

The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride at its heart, is a fundraising motorcycling event, raising funds and awareness for the world’s largest men’s health organization focused on universal, game-changing and realistic outcomes for men.
In addition to looking good, we encouraged all of our participants to do something good for the men in their lives by raising funds to support of this cause.
It’s also important to note that this is always a themed event, and everyone arrived in style. The dress code is dapper, and is perhaps the most fashionable motorcycling event in the world. We look forward to 2025 as we bring this event to one and all. I cannot wait to see the many smiling faces return as we parade together, all in the name of men’s health. Thanks to our local sponsors; Cyclewise Triumph in New Haven and the Arrowhead Lodge in Milton.